Pjf_exp_types_vl. description ,Query to Find Projects Not Accruing Revenue in Oracle Fusion --*-- SELECT PE. Pjf_exp_types_vl

description ,Query to Find Projects Not Accruing Revenue in Oracle Fusion --*-- SELECT PEPjf_exp_types_vl  23C

function. ci. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. NUMBER. top_task_id. get_posting_status(aia. Projects. Used to implement optimistic locking. EBS Table Purpose. 4 Important Tables of Oracle fusion user roles query 1. and et. expenditure_type_id = et. 2. Hi Please find the Columns and tables that we are using below SQL. and et. F81674-01. expenditure. Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. Tables and Views for Project Management. Class categories are primarily used for reporting purposes, although one class category may be defined for use in AutoAccounting. pa_period_typeFree essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politicsStores the events registered for the requests submitted. task_id = pt. MAX(crt_in. funding_allocation_idSELECT PEI. template_flag. expenditure_type_id = et. SELECT ppa. ei_latest_gl_period_name, x. The flag identifies the non labor resources as equipment resource class or not. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. doc_entry_name. project_organization_name, a. and es. project_role_name. from pjf_exp_types_vl et , pjf_system_linkages_vl sl , pjf_expend_typ_sys_links es , pjf_exp_types_b_st pts , fnd_setid_assignments fsa. pet. organization_id AND imt. denorm_parent_element_id. ci_distribution_id line_number, cs. Records in this entity is populated manually everytime the user enters the expenditure types screen. expenditure_type_name expenditure_type_name. FA_CATEGORIES: Dim - Asset Category. operating_unit_name, a. Tables and Views for Project Management. AND EXP. cmr_po_distribution_id =. project_role_name. Projects. and es. creation_date AS creation_date5 expenditureitempeo. Project Management. revenue_category_code. project_system_status_code, tl. NAME project_name, ppt. per_rc_prec. expenditure_type_id, prd. task_name ptv. where unit. res_type_code. Need DB links between Financials and Projects tables. segment1 ptv. NULL project_type_class_code, ppn. start_date_active, base. res_type_scode. Project Contracts Profile Options →. end_date_active. project_name. description description, (SELECT ppm. expenditure_category_id AND pec. Prj. expenditure_type_id = et. AND pei. vendor_name. version_type = 'C' AND OKCL. project_number, a. F81674-01. WHERE. expenditure_item_id ,pjf_exp_types_vl et,pjf_expend_typ_sys_links es,pjf_exp_types_b_st pts,fnd_setid_assignments fsa,pjf_exp_categories_vl ec. person_number_2. where T. Unique. txn_date <= :P_AS_OF_DATE ) PE ,pjc_exp_items_all PEI ,pjf_projects_all_vl PPA ,pjf_tasks_v PT ,okc_k_headers_all_b OKH ,okc_k_lines_b OKL ,pjf_txn_sources_vl PTS ,hr_operating_units HOU. project_status_code, tl. class_code_id AND prc. batch_size. MAJOR_VERSION MAJOR_VERSIONQuery to Link AP Invoices, GL and SLA Tables: R12 AP GL XLA. Title and Copyright Information; Get Help; 1 Overview. expenditure_type_id = et. expenditure_category_name IN (‘Labor’) AND expenditure_item_date >=. PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL CAT, ap_invoice_lines_all l. cmr_rcv_transactions crt, pjf_tasks_v pt, pjf_projects_all_vl ppa, pjf_exp_types_vl pet. crt. expenditure_type_name expenditure_type, pcdl. Expenditure Types Descriptive Flexfield (PJF_EXP_TYPES_DESC_FLEX) OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER: NUMBER: 9: Yes: Used to implement optimistic locking. Description: One of the most common requirement for every technical consultant working in oracle and Related technologies is to find out specific database tables which hold a particular piece of information. FROM pjc_exp_items_all peia, pjf_exp_types_vl pet, pjf_tasks_v ptv, pjf_projects_all_b ppab, pjf_projects_all_tl ppat, hr_all_organization_units hr, hr_all_organization_units hr1, hr_operating_units op, pjc_cost_dist_lines_all pcdl, pjf_exp_categories_tl pec, gl_code_combinations gcc, per_person_names_f ppn, –pjb_rev_distributions prd, pjb. determinant_type. Tags: PA. pjo_plan_line_details pjo_plan_lines pjo_planning_elements pjo_plan_versions_b. NAME contract_type_name, okh. API Create a valid category set. start_date, ‘DD-MON-YYYY’, ‘NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = american. class_category_id = codes. ContHead. proj_element_id. Object type: TABLE. ORG_ID. Financials. get_segs('GL','GL#',glc2. The joint venture data fields are added to the RTF template. To download, navigate to Shared Folders, Financials, Receivables, and Bill Presentment on the Catalog tab. FROM pjc_exp_items_all ei , pjc_cost_dist_lines_all cdl, xla_events_gt imp, GL_ENCUMBRANCE_TYPES_VL GLET, pjf_txn_document_b doc. and es. date_to. name; req_number. expenditure_type_id = et. owning_org_id = cont_org. pjc_project_id IS NOT NULL. Column Namesql_statement; select pjfbu. FROM Pjc_CC_Prj_Bu_Relationships CCY. enable_capitalization_flag. role_id. project_type_id = PPT. Fusion User Roles SQL Query & Tables. Cloud Applications. allow_reversal_flag. Doyensys. capitalizable_flag = 'Y'. and pts. The VPP API language is used to define a RPC interface between VPP and its control plane. Table to store Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance values. capitalizable_flag = 'Y'. expenditure_organization_id. AND EXP. name; project_id. event_id. element_number as TASK_NUMBER, task. IR & ISO - Internal Sales Order Cycle with Setup Steps in R12. business_group_id. Org_Id <> IMPL. vendor_id(+) /* Bug 21312777 - this is for expense report invoices where the vendor_id = -10016 */ AND i. FROM pjf_project_classes prc, pjf_class_codes_tl pct WHERE prc. pjc_project_id = ppa. The table name (PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL) as I know we can add only data type character the same as expenditure category, kindly advise. project_type FROM pjf_project_types_tl pt,. Projects. vendor_id(+) /* Bug 21312777 - this is for expense report. NUMBER. The wire format is essentially that of a network formatted (big-endian) packed C struct. SQL_Statement; SELECT. and es. ContHead. object_version. F81674-01. work_type_id. Join the OracleApps88 Telegram group @OracleApps88to get more information on Oracle EBS R12/Oracle Fusion applications. expenditure_category_id = pet. OKC_K_HEADERS_TL. com or message me at @apps88 or +91 905 957 4321 in telegram. last_update_date. last_update_dateExpenditure Types Descriptive Flexfield (PJF_EXP_TYPES_DESC_FLEX) OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER: NUMBER: 9: Yes: Used to implement optimistic locking. GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES DailyRateExtractPVO GL_DAILY_RATES. effective_start_date date_from, org. document_id. Indicates the edition-based redefinition (EBR) context of the row for SET1. FROM Pjc_CC_Prj_Bu_Relationships CCY. revenue_exception_flag ,okl. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row. job_role_id. NUMBER. prd. Yes. primary_uom_code. segment1 project_number ,PPA. ——————————————-. invoice_id) ,'Y', 'Fully. prd. allow_adjustments_flag. COMMITMENT_TYPE. Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. org_id, rev_det. Actually I was looking for the same information on internet for Oracle Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Cloud Tutorial and came across your blog. EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID: NUMBER: 18: Exp_type of the new burden summarized expenditure item for this burden cost code ** ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY: VARCHAR2: 30: Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. . It shows how well you understand this subject, you can learn more about Oracle PPM Cloud . description, base. crt. organization_id = esi. vendor_id = v. 3. PERSON_TYPE: VARCHAR2: 30: Type of person who incurred the expenditure: ADJUSTED_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID: NUMBER: 18: The supplier cost interface process uses this column to create an adjusting expenditure item copies the value to the PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALL. expenditure_type_id = et. task_name. 13. project_id. Oracle Fusion Project Foundation - Version 11. PJF_EXP_TYPE_OUS_ALL; PJF_EXP_TYPE_OUS_ALL. last_update_login. base_amount_variance. WHERE. and pts. Default. PJF_EXP_TYPES_TL :-. project_unit_id. resource_transaction_id resource_transaction_id, crt. function. PJC_EXP_ITEMS_ALL :-. and es. function. HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS This table hold information related to customer account like account_number. dep0_description AS account_desc, v225332622. PA_NON_LABOR_RESOURCES stores non-labor assets that are utilized during project work and for which costs and revenue are tracked. CST_ITEM_COST_DETAILS Standard cost Detail Table. segment1 project_number, NVL ((SELECT pt. expenditure_category_id. classes. TRANSFERRED_FROM_EXP_ITEM_ID. 1. creation_date. stakeholder_name cs_stakeholder_name, ns. expenditure_type_id, expenditureitempeo. Tables and Views for Project Management. Projects. last_update_login. project_id. PA_NON_LABOR_RESOURCES stores non-labor assets that are utilized during project. You can configure transaction controls by employee, expenditure category, expenditure type, and non-labor. project_id = ppa. Oracle internal use only. person_number peia. expenditureitempeo. , pjf_projects_b_v pp, pjf_project_types_b_v ppt, pjf_proj_elements_b_v pt, pjc_exp_items_all pei, pjf_exp_types_b_v pet, pjf_exp_categories_b_v pec, pjc_cint_rate_names pcrn, pjc_cint_rate_info_all pcri, gl_period_statuses gps, pjf_bu_impl_v imp. task_id. invoice_distribution_id = dist. determinant_type. ledger_curr_revenue_amt functrevenu, rev_det. description. Examples of system linkages (Expenditure Type Classes) are: Expense Report, Usages, and Straight Time. BI Publisher retrieves the project data from the tables you specify in the SQL query. FROM PJF_EXP_TYPES_VL ET , PJF_SYSTEM_LINKAGES_VL SL , PJF_EXPEND_TYP_SYS_LINKS ES , PJF_EXP_TYPES_B_ST PTS , FND_SETID_ASSIGNMENTS FSA. name; project_type_id. name; document_id. WHERE. Previous Next JavaScript must be enabled to correctly display this content . VARCHAR2. date_ineffective IS NULL. vendor_id(+) /* Bug 21312777 - this is for expense report. AND cit. Due to the high volume of Project Expenditure Types and Project Class Categories, user would like to use SOA services or FBDi (File Based Data Import). The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row. WHERE. name; function. We can refer this sql query to developed the custom BIP report. F81674-01. line_type in ('R', 'B') AND pcdl. BI Publisher retrieves the project data from the tables you specify in the SQL query. ← Configurator Concurrent Programs. contract_number, peia. prvdr_gl_date week_ending, pei. 7. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. AND crt. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. expenditure_item_id = expenditureitempeo. Coming to your point of finding transactions in GL that were missing. organization_id = iop. 0. task_id. FROM pjc_exp_items_all pei, pjf_projects_all_vl ppa, pjb_bill_trxs pbt, pjb_inv_line_dists pild, pjb_invoice_lines pil, pjb_invoice_headers pih, per_all_people_f ppf, per_person_names_f ppn, pjf_tasks_v pt, pjf_exp_types_vl pet, pjc_exp_comments pec WHERE 1 = 1 AND pei. Tables and Views for Project Management. AND PTS. Introduction This Post illustrates the steps required to get the General ledger analysis for PA Expenditure & Event in oracle Apps Script for GL Account analysis for PA Expenditure & Event SELECT ‘Expenditure’ revenue_type, hca. 23B. project_type ,PPA. location_id, org. user_transaction_source. tag. PJC_EXP_ITEMS_ALL PJF_PROJ_ELEMENTS_TL PJF_PROJ_ELEMENTS_B PJF_TXN_SOURCES_B PJF_TXN_SOURCES_TL. NVL ((SELECT pt. MAX(crt_in. sql_statement; select. NUMBER. Introduction This Post illustrates the steps required to find PROJECT UNBILLED BALANCES- FUSION Application Script to PROJECT UNBILLED BALANCES- FUSION This report will display all project unbilled details. project_type_id. expenditure_type_name expenditure_type_name. 23B. last_updated_by. pjc_task_id = pt. project_id Introduction This Post illustrates the steps required to get Project Details in fusion Application. SOURCE_LANG. Burden Cost Codes Descriptive Flexfield (PJF_IND_COST_CODE_DESC_FLEX) ATTRIBUTE1:. function. creation_date. project_name. sql_statement; select lookup_type , meaning , description. CREATION_DATE CREATION_DATE, B. Cloud Applications. enabled_flag. name. expenditure_item_id ,PPA. FROM PJF_PROJ_ELEMENTS_vl tvl, PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B P, PJF_WORK_TYPES_vl wtvl, PJF_BU_IMPL_V IMPL. project_typename; res_type_id. book_type_code. Work Types Descriptive Flexfield (PJF_WORK_TYPES_DESC_FLEX) ATTRIBUTE2: VARCHAR2: 150: Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Click the Expand button below the Data Models folder and search for Transactions Print Data Model. PJF_NONLAB_RES_DESC_FLEX: Dim - Non Labor Resource. Work Type. transaction_source. EBS Tables. legal_entity_id. WHERE ( ( P. This table do store basic information about Projects in oracle fusion. COMMITMENT_TYPE. PJF_EXP_TYPES_B et , PJF_TASKS_V t, po_distributions_all po1, ap_invoice_distributions_all d, PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_VL p, PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL CAT, ap_invoice_lines_all l. predefined_flag. mat_rc_prec. 1. CREATED_BY CREATED_BY, B. Content. period_name(+). bill_rate FROM pjc_exp_items_all pei, pjf_tasks_v ptv, pjf_projects_all_b prb, pjf_projects_all_tl prl, pjc_exp_comments pec, pjf_exp_types_vl. vendor_id = v. To view the descriptive flexfield columns, navigate to the appropriate folder within the relevant subject area. amount_variance. end_date_active. B. allow_cross_charge_flag = 'Y' AND P. invoice_line_number. expenditure_item_date AS creation_date5 FROM pjc_cost_dist_lines_all projectcostdistributionpeo, pjc_exp_items_all. Access the Catalog for BI Publisher Enterprise. manager_id. select a. Upload the zipped FBDI data files. FA_RETIREMENTS: Dim. with. PERSON_TYPE: VARCHAR2: 30: Type of person who incurred the expenditure: ADJUSTED_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID: NUMBER: 18: The supplier cost interface process uses this column to create an adjusting expenditure item copies the value to the PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALL. system_linkage_function = sl. description. amount_variance. pet. name; project_id. You can also use this spreadsheet to trace the Fusion database table and column for a correspondin. asset_id = fb. languagePA_SYSTEM_LINKAGES stores system-defined categories used to determine how items should be processed. pjc_expenditure_type_id =. project_id. VPP API Language. project_name. Cloud Applications. AND ES. Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time. and pts. Projects - Labor Schedule Analysis Real Time. name; person_number. . My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. name; line_number. invoice_distribution_id. This table holds important information related to party like party name, party number and party type. Work Types Descriptive Flexfield (PJF_WORK_TYPES_DESC_FLEX) ATTRIBUTE1: VARCHAR2: 150: Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. organization_id. SYSTEM_LINKAGE_FUNCTION = SL. WFTASK) And Projects Table (PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B) (Doc ID 2394836. expenditure_type_id. and es. CST_COST_TYPES Type Of Cost. Project Portfolio. po_line_types lt, por_requisition_lines_all rl, por_requisition_headers_all rh, pjf_tasks_v t, hr_organization_v o, pjf_exp_types_vl et, por_req_distributions_all rd, pjf_projects_all_vl p, pjf_exp_categories_vl cat, fun_all_business_units_v fabuv. pjc_task_id = pt. release_number. expenditure_category_name expenditure_category, pet. expenditure_type_name as. WHERE pjb. revenue_hold_flag, pei. Fusion--> Query to find registered. Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. stakeholder_name cs_stakeholder_name, ns. person_number_4. project_id. cmr_rcv_transaction_id) FROM. Access the Catalog for BI Publisher Enterprise. A technology service company that provides innovative solutions around the oracle platform With Laser focus on customer delight as the primary success parameter. event_id event_id, cs. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER. ORG_ID. person_number employee_number, ptv. AND doc.